Fundraising Committee
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Fundraising Committee - Our Mandate

Responsible for the strategic direction and management of the fundraising activities of the Club.  These activities include fundraising events and other projects which the Committee and Board of Directors deem appropriate to meet short and long term fundraising objectives. Fundraising sub-committees are struck for specific projects. Meetings are at the call of the Chair.

This past Rotary year once again enjoyed a fundraising success with a bit of fellowship and fun on the side at the Steam Whistle 2012 Annual Fundraiser. With an agile fundraising committee and over 25 volunteers, we raised nearly $40,000 at our third inaugural event.


Fundraising Committee  Annual Report 2015-2016

The Fundraising Committee consisted of: Chair, Brian Porter, Liaison Director, Pat Neuman, Kevin Power, Suzanne Seaquist, Fabio Ventolini, Dawn-Marie King, John Joseph Mastandrea, and new Committee members, Brigitte Bogar, Lorna Johnson and Trevor Lenders.
The Committee enjoyed a productive year, with meetings held on the third Monday of each month at 6 pm, at the National Club. A light dinner was served while the meeting took place.
Our Major Fundraising project was the Annual Fundraiser at the Steam Whistle Brewery on March 26, 2015. Members and guests were invited to a fun night of cards. The top ten won a variety of prizes, consisting of massages, a case of wine , overnights at lovely hotels, a wine bike tour,a gourmet picnic wine basket, golf foursome, dinner at the National Club, dinners at boutique restaurants, Blue Jays tickets, Argos tickets and a variety of gifts. Fabulous food was provided by EnVille. The following sub committees provided the      
  • Volunteers- Dawn-Marie and Brigitte
  • Sponsorships and Prizes- Pat, Suzanne and Brian
  • Organization and Tables- Fabio
  • Marketing and Communications-examples: Poster, and Rotary Web Site-Trevor
  • Administrative: Contract and Food (BWP)
A summary of revenue and expenses is as follows:
Net amount donated to Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable FDN
Many thanks to our members who not only bought tickets, but donated money. Special thanks to the many volunteers - members from our club and Rotaractors, who helped to make the evening such a success!
Our Other Fundraising project was to assist the Rotary Club of Etobicoke with the Toronto Ribfest on Canada Day weekend. Over 100 Rotarians, friends and family volunteered to work shifts collecting toonies at the Ribfest entrance gates. It was indeed a shared fellowship event as the Rotaract Club of Toronto and Sunrise Rotary Club assisted as volunteers. Ribfest days saw our volunteers working tirelessly. Special thanks to everyone who helped at the gates, day supervising and overall assistance. The RibFest proceeds in total amounted to $48,649.29
Funds were distributed as follows:
Day Managers
Total RCT Hours
Total Sunrise Hours
Total Toronto Rotaract Hours
Total UofT Rotaract Hours
RibFest also generated discussion with the Etobicoke Club about how most fairly to distribute the revenue earned from the event. In the end, it was agree to split both expenses and revenue equally.

Total fundraising net for the year: $85,690.02