VIP Guest Speaker: President 2020 - 2021 John Fortney
The Rotary Club of Toronto Virtual Meeting
Friday, July 10, 2020 starting at 12:00 noon
Topic: John's Vision for 2020-2021
Welcome to New Board Members
What You Missed - Friday's Recording of John's Virtual Meeting and Throne Speech!
Our new Rotary year has been kicked off with a huge heart!
Congratulations again to President John and to all the Board Members – We look forward to continuing to serve with you.
We had 98 members, visiting Rotarians and guests join us on Live Stream and Google Meet combined for John’s Throne Speech!
See the links below if you were unable to attend:
Link to the video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ watch/?v=744886829617618
Link to the video on our google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/ d/12U61f1SNazD0BlY8msRFsZX- aGfPrcGM/view?usp=sharing